

Mgr. Eva Ježíková

Is the Founder of the children’s choirs of the Alfréd Radok Primary Art School in Valašské Meziříčí. She is also a choirmaster. Ms. Ježíková completed her studies at the Janáček Conservatory in Ostrava (Solo Singing) and she went on to graduate from the Pedagogical Faculty of the University of Ostrava (Choirmastership). She is the Art Director of all the choirs that she teaches, goes on concerts with and with which she participates in all shows and competitions and goes on trips abroad. She is currently also a Management Board member of the Alfréd Radok Primary Art School in Valašské Meziříčí.


Mgr. Jana Krejsová

Works as assistant choirmistress in the Department of Choirs. She graduated in piano playing at the Primary Art School at Valašské Meziříčí. After her grammar school study, she obtained her Master’s Degree at the Faculty of Education of the Charles University at Prague, the field of Music Education – Choirmastership. She now concentrates on the organization and administration work associated with managing the choirs and she lends a helping hand in separate rehearsals of the choir.


MgA. Daniel Poledňák

Je v současné době sbormistrem dětského pěveckého sboru miniDIZO. Absolvoval hru na klavír a sborový zpěv v ZUŠ Valašské Meziříčí. Na Církevní konzervatoři v Opavě vystudoval obor sbormistrovství a na Fakultě umění Ostravské univerzity absolvoval obor sólový zpěv. Pomáhá i při dělených zkouškách sboru.

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